I’ve been pretty bummed for the past 2 weeks. I couldn’t really go anywhere or do anything. On Thursday, I got my new light-weight “action” cast, plus a clearance that I could travel and scored a ride to the BURN race with Lisa Rolf. I’d be a spectator for the first time in a long time.
The race was one of the best I’ve ever attended. I’m sure that part of that enjoyment was because I didn’t have to ride and got to go to bed while everyone else faced dementia. But Eddie O puts on a fantastic show. This race has all the drama of a big-budget national race, yet all the comfort of a small local event.
I badly wanted to be a part of the chaos and volunteered at various points throughout the race to get my fix. I’m sure a lot of folks think I’m really considerate and helpful, and if you harbor that illusion, ask me to help you move or paint your house. Yeah, I’m not coming…
I also started shooting video and quickly became obesessed. Granted, the camera was a bit pervasive (or invasive, whatever), but the payoff comes later when some really candid footage emerges. And some of that shit is seriously funny.
I need to say thanks to a few folks, without whom I would’ve been a sad lump on the couch this weekend: Lisa Rolf (who is amazing) for her kindness and good conversation, and MotoMark and Dayna for driving me home, feeding me Little Debbies, and doodling on my toenails while I slept in the car.
Huge congrats to the Atlanta folks and the Blackwater Bike Shop teams for their top finishes, as well as the Middle Ring Mafia for their win in the men’s category. Namrita also took the women’s solo on a single speed. Thanks to Eddie for letting me hang, to Mark Hendershot for signing my cast after his win, and Matt B, who provided the delicious homebrews I drank for breakfast on Sunday.
Finally, the real reason I spent 10 hours in the car was to go up and see my wife Jen, who cracks me up, and to watch her race with the Lynchburg crew: Kelly, Davey, Mike, Julie, Robbie, Sean, Stacy, Jason, Kat, and Frank. Ironically, I was with most of these folks when I actually broke my ankle. The Blackwater Bike Shop gang are great people and they really know how to have fun on the road. We’ve been to Utah, Myrtle Beach, and now Wilkesboro in the last 4 months, and they’ve taught Jen and I quite a bit about how to relax and enjoy ourselves.
Video will follow when I can get through the 2 hours or so of footage. I also honed some mad crutch skills I’ll be demo’ing at a cubicle near you…
No Mr. Ranger, that is not my beer. Or dog.
Virginal white cast, the color of Jessica Simpson’s teeth.
Julie (and Zeus), Jen, Dayna, Kelly, Stacy
Lil Chub II saw no action…