“Snowboarder’s Ankle Fracture” and Search

It’s so funny how dependent we’ve become on search. Remember BEFORE search made the entire internet actually work? When you had an obscure question, you’d ask your know-it-all maven buddy, who would ask his friend, etc. Three weeks later, you’d be close to answer. Now, you Google it. I grew up using PCs in the mid-80s because my father was an IBMer. I could trade in my current laptop for one of those PC XTs that ran all it’s software from a floppy, but I couldn’t trade in search.

A few days before Christmas, I was able to come up with a few solid leads on why, exactly, my outlet melted and almost ignited our bed mattress.  My wife was also able to find out through some persistent searching (and an email to customer service) that our mattress didn’t contain carginogenic flame-retardants.

Usually, there are a bunch of different terms that will get you the answer you seek. The funniest thing is that after my ankle injury in January, I never came across any info on my condition until the second surgeon gave me the term “snowboarder’s ankle fracture.” Ding ding ding! It’s not a made up ailment! It almost never happens — except that it happens all the time to snowboarders. Especially those that don’t know what they’re doing.


One thought on ““Snowboarder’s Ankle Fracture” and Search

  1. Tom

    Hi Javaun,

    I realize this is an older post. I was wondering if you still monitored this page and might be able to help me out.

    I would greatly appreciate a response via e-mail, it would be a big help.. I will break it down briefly here.
    -First, I have very limited health insurance
    -I hurt myself snowboarding last month. Came down off a jump on my ankle and ‘dorsiflexed’it.. Extended my toes toward the shin.
    -X-rays came out negative.
    -4 weeks later I have full use and can put as much pressure on it.
    -However there is still pain in the associated snowboard ankle spots.

    I am trying to avoid a CT scan due to money. My question would be.
    Before surgery were you able to walk on it basically pain free and just experience some pain when flexed certain ways. Or if it was broken I would know it…I understand you are not a DR but it seems you have a good understanding of the injury.

    Anything would help..Thank you and I hope everything worked out on your end.


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